Shopify marketing best practices

Core Marketing Best Practices for Every Shopify Store

Shopify makes it simple for anyone to create an online store. However, building an online store is only the first step – driving traffic and conversions takes strategic marketing. Here are some core best practices for Shopify marketing, based on 10+ years running a Shopify Partner marketing agency and consulting with over 100 successful Shopify and Shopify Plus stores:

Don’t Neglect SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ensures your products and brand are discoverable in search engines like Google. Follow on-page and technical SEO best practices like optimizing page titles and meta descriptions, improving site speed, and using alt text on images. Producing SEO-friendly content should also be a priority. Target relevant keywords and answer consumer questions in blog posts, videos, and product descriptions.

TIP: Use one of the many Shopify SEO apps which will automate many of the tasks necessary to improve search engine rankings.

Leverage PPC Ads

Google and Facebook Pay-per-Click (PPC) advertising can deliver traffic & sales ‘on-demand’ and help you reach new audiences. Take advantage of Shopify’s built-in advertising integrations to efficiently manage and optimize product and branded ad campaigns. Analyze performance data to identify high converting keywords and audiences.

TIP: Don’t limit yourself to ‘just’ Google & Facebook. Jump ahead of 90% of your competition by going outside the box with other channels like Pinterest.

Email Marketing

Can’t stress this one enough: email is one of the highest-converting marketing channels. Leverage the incredible power of email service providers like Klaviyo or Omnisend to segment your lists, create professional templates, automate workflows like abandoned cart emails, and track results. Focus on providing value through content and special offers tailored to subscriber interests. Avoid over-promotional messaging and ensure compliance with CAN-SPAM laws.

Promote on Social Media

Social platforms like Instagram and TikTok are ideal for raising brand awareness and engagement. Post product images, behind-the-scenes content, and short educational videos tailored to each platform.

TIP: One of the easiest & best ways to produce these types of videos is to create some Powerpoint slides of your products and do a screen recording while narrating over the slide show.

Hashtag campaigns and influencer partnerships can expand reach. Add Shopify purchase buttons to social posts to enable seamless on-site product discovery and checkout.

Run Retargeting Ads

Retargeting ad campaigns reach visitors who previously interacted with your store. Remarketing ads on Google and social media reinforce brand familiarity and nudge visitors back to complete intended actions like purchases. Dynamic remarketing ads specifically showcase products a visitor has viewed, making them highly targeted.

Optimize for Mobile

This should no longer need to be said, but with over 50% of shopping traffic now on mobile, having a responsive Shopify theme optimized for mobile commerce is critical. Use large tap targets, minimal page scrolling, mobile-friendly imagery, and clear calls-to-action. Page speed optimizations also improve mobile experience. SMS marketing integrations enable communicating with customers via text messaging.

Leverage Other Apps and Integrations

Shopify’s app store has over 4,000 third-party apps for enhancing marketing as well as store functionality. Popular marketing apps include conversion rate optimization, loyalty programs, pop-ups and announcement bars, and more. Analytics integrations like Google Analytics provide data insights to inform marketing. Apps like Privy can enable unique on-site experiences through giveaways and deals.

Analyze and Refine

Consistently analyze your Shopify store and marketing data. You can use Shopify’s built-in analytics reports and connected analytics platforms like Google Analytics. Assess metrics like traffic sources, conversion rates, ROI by channel, and customer lifetime value. Identify high-performing campaigns as well as areas needing optimization. Continually test new strategies and fine-tune existing ones.

TIP: One of the most valuable means of analyzing your efforts is through the use of session recordings using apps like Lucky Orange or Hotjar, and post-purchase surveys using apps like Hulk NPS Post Purchase Survey or AS Post Purchase Survey

By implementing core Shopify best practices in SEO, paid advertising, email marketing, and social media, virtually any store can drive steady traffic growth, increase conversions, and ultimately boost sales and profits.

With the right marketing strategies, any merchant can improve their traffic, sales, and profits!


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